While we usually think of Valentine’s Day as a celebration of romance, it doesn’t have to be just that. Love comes in many forms – whether it’s for a hobby, a family member, or a dear friend.
There are plenty of ways to express love, from spending quality time together to giving presents. Today’s list is for those who prefer the latter, especially if they’re parents, as unlike “traditional” gift guides, this one is focused on fun and meaningful presents for children. So, let’s jump in and explore some heartwarming ideas, shall we?
Every day in feb I write something that I love about her on a pink heart and stick it on her bedroom door. “I love listening to you sing in the car.” “I love how gentle you are with worms and snails.” “I love reading books with you.”.
I make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast every year. They are now 20,17 and 14 years old and they still love it.
DVDs with movie snacks? Have a slumber party together.
On February 14th, the world celebrates Valentine’s Day. Typically, it’s viewed as a day to commemorate romance and love. It is possible that such a connotation and name for this occasion originated from a Roman priest named Valentine.
Emperor Claudius II of Rome, who reigned from the year 268 A.D. to 270 A.D., banned marriage because in his opinion unmarried men were better soldiers. The mentioned priest thought that such a law was unfair, so he decided to break the rules and perform marriages anyway.
Yet, despite throwing quiet ceremonies, Valentine still ended up being caught and his life was ended on February 14, in the year 270 A.D., for defying the emperor. Because of this, Pope Gelasius I later declared this day St. Valentine’s Day.
We’re making little melt and pour soaps and attaching to free printable cards. Daughter gets to do a craft, kids get something useful that isn’t sugar. Plus you don’t need to wrap them in plastic (like I would fell obligated to do with food treats).
A little treat and a valentines card. Easy peasy.
The consumable treat can be whatever they like. Or make a quick batch of fudge or other special goodie. The card must include how much parents love them.
If they are readers, a book that meant something to you at that age for each of them might be good. Or coupons for experiences?
Throughout the years, the ways the day is celebrated have evolved. For instance, in the Middle Ages, it was quite a festive event. Parties were thrown where love lanterns were made out of hollowed-out turnips. Young people would draw names from a bowl to see who their valentine would be, wear those names on their sleeves for a week, and so on. It was a big deal for communities.
Nowadays, the celebration of the event typically includes exchanging small gifts like themed chocolates, flowers, and cards, and making romantic gestures, like candlelit dinners, spa days, or anything else. Basically, it’s more personal than communal now. Each person or each couple decides how they want to commemorate it by themselves rather than big parties being thrown like in the Middle Ages.
Valentines Day was always about treats, not things.
We make chocolate dipped strawberries, with strawberry mocktails with our kids each year as our special “treat”.
Are you where you can show them the gift of gardening? Planting a seed or owning a plant is a great way to teach them something. Two trowels and a pack of seeds. Not sure what would survive outside where you are right now.
I got my toddler valentine theme books. Llama llama I love you, Elmo loves you, love you forever and also we made valentine cards to hand out.
In fact, some people fully reject the idea of celebrating this day at all, for many reasons – from hating how it brings up our consumerism to the fact that it makes them lonely, especially if they don’t have a romantic partner. But today we’re not here to talk about these party poopers.
Instead, let’s focus on how Valentine’s Day can be something more than just a romantic celebration. It can simply be turned into a day to appreciate people around you – showing them attention with little gifts, spending time with them, or anything of that kind.
A coloring book. Some chocolate (mine does eat it). Valentine and Easter gifts are pretty small around here.
I usually have their Valentine’s Day gift and small decorations on the dining room table for my child to wake up to. I do this for things like Easter and their birthday too.
If she’s excited over it you should celebrate it, Maybe this could be a happy little season for her every year, You could make cut outs of hearts and super glue them to a string to hang them outside ? My (21) mother (50) used to always buy me a small gift growing up and it always made me have something to look foward and not center it to romantic love but rather simply happy little meaning full and i’d make her a card and we still continue to do this.
For example, in some schools there are traditions for kids to send out valentines – cards of appreciation to their classmates – but the platonic tradition doesn’t stop there. Some families and/or friends are creating (or maintaining) traditions of giving each other gifts, showing how much they cherish each other.
Yet, sometimes it’s hard to figure out what to gift – even to the person you’re closest to in your life. Luckily, We is here to help you – for instance, with this idea list.
A single fresh flower for each of them.
In college we used to make Valentines as a household (big house with 10 girls). The act of making cards with each other was so meaningful.
In years past I’ve gotten them each a v-day themed sleeper. This year they might each get a squishmallow.
The one you’re on right now is also full of present inspiration. Yet, it should be noted that these ones are more focused on what we talked about in this article – celebrating Valentine’s Day as a family occasion rather than a romantic one. That’s why it’s full of ideas about what can be gifted to kids on this holiday.
From heart-shaped pancakes to heartwarming cards – you’re almost guaranteed to leave the article with an idea of how to make a child happy on Valentine’s Day. And if life isn’t about making each other happy, then what is it about, right?
Do you have any ideas that weren’t mentioned in the list? Make sure to write about them in the comments!
I’ve never done gifts. We do traditions though. Heart shaped waffles and then we make a heart shaped pizza for dinner. Put up a valentine sign I think that’s pretty much it.
I do some Valentine’s themed art and sensory activities with my kids (lots of pink and red), but that’s about it
I’m baking my daughter strawberry sugar cookies and i got her a little used tea set.
I am getting my kid a little something, but I really *enjoy* doing little things for the holidays. It’s not a burden. It’s not about the Joneses. I like it and get joy from it, so I do it.
We usually get the little kit to build your own Valentines box and then my husband and I will randomly drop little notes and pictures in it throughout the month. And then I’ll get them some heart shaped snacks/treat or something. I think that’s it. But I don’t think getting her one art kit will set a precedent at this age. IDK. You could always make it a special “just because” thing if you’re concerned?
Growing up my mom always got me and my brother little Valentine’s candies with a stuffed animal or something else small. I have a 4 year old and 9 month old, so far every year I do a Valentines breakfast with pink heart shaped waffles and I get her a love themed book. She loves it, the waffle maker was $10, and why not spend a day celebrating love? I’ve seen IG moms make entire gift baskets which I think is a little excessive but if I had unlimited funds I may be all into it too.
I always give my kids their favorite snack something heart shaped a stuffed animal and a rose. They love it!
Slime-making kit. Those were super popular for a while, but seemed to have petered out. Still, it could be really fun to have a project to do all together!
Heart shaped seed paper from recycled paper.
How about making the art kit a just because I love you gift? Doesn’t have to come on Vday.
I expect some crudely drawn cards from my kids though.
I got my 3 year old and 1 year old each a new water bottle, a robotic fish thing that swims in water (I like to encourage baths lol), and some stickers.