30 Unhinged Hopes And Expectations These Men Have For Valentine’s Day This Year

Happy Valentine’s Day, pandas! Whether you’re in a relationship or not, we hope you’re surrounded by love and sweet treats today. Don’t hesitate to buy yourself some fresh flowers or indulge in decadent chocolate truffles, and be sure to send your loved ones a heartfelt message detailing just how much they mean to you.

But even if you are in love, that doesn’t mean it will be easy to find the perfect gift for your significant other, especially if that person happens to be a man. So if you’re looking for some last-minute tips, we’ve got you covered. Men on Reddit have been opening up about what they’d really like to receive on this special day, so we’ve gathered some of their thoughts down below. Enjoy reading through, and good luck finding the perfect present for the special man in your life!


Considering my wife and I will be seeing the first sonogram of our first child on valentines day, I’d like a healthy heartbeat from my unborn child.


As a man I’ve never received flowers. I’m a bit bummed by that. My friends tell me that guys don’t get flowers and that me wanting flowers is so gay even our gay friend doesn’t want flowers ever. I don’t care. I would like flowers delivered to my workplace. Girlfriend or no girlfriend.


My grandpa actually sends me a Valentine every year.

I love my grandpa.


The same thing my wife and I do every year. Order tasty pizza and drink good beer. Why do we need a single day out of the year to express our love for each other? That should be every day…


Nothing this year. I always just liked small surprises with no expectations. I haven’t ever wanted anything specific on a Valentine’s Day, or even expect to get anything, but the best things I have gotten were just little objects/gestures that reminded me of the relationship.

Years ago I got roses. At first I thought it was just cute, since traditionally men buy roses for girlfriends. My girlfriend at the time said she wasn’t sure what to do, but knew I liked roses (I have several rose tattoos and mentioned red roses are my favorite flower.) That she made the association was the best part of the gift.


To make a nice meal for my wife and have my three year old be my sous chef.

I’m old.


I have a dream one day i’ll have a beautiful girl who’ll buy me a thing of whey protein for valentines day and on that jug of protein will be a note that says “I’m whey into you”. That’ll be the one.


Expect? Nothing

Hope for? Something thoughtful and to show that she cares.


Okay so disclaimer here: my wife gets wayyyy into the holidays. Not just Christmas and Halloween but every one from st Patrick’s to Chinese New Year. For the past 5? Years, from feb 1st to valentines I get a gift everyday with a pun on it. On feb 1st it’s something small like a candy bar or chapstick and leads up to bigger things that I like (amiibos, simpsons season, things like that) so for example: yesterday I found some rollos that had a note saying she likes the way I “roll”. today I got some Reese’s cups saying have I “reesently” told you I love you? So to answer simply I expect awesomeness, because that’s what I get every year.


A girlfriend.

Haha, jk that won’t happen



Love. I want love. A guy can dream can’t he?


All I want is to sit on my recliner love seat in my favorite spot with her shmushed up against me with my arm around her. Sometimes I can cop a feel which is nice. She don’t mind. We watch a movie. I’ll try to pick a comedy she likes. She does this thing where every time she laughs at a line or scene, she looks at my to see if I think it’s funny because I don’t really laugh out loud. It’s so f***ing cute. Every time she does it, I fall a tiny bit more in love with her and I can’t help but kiss her face. That’s all I need.

But If I got full say, I’d also have an 1/8th of blue dream, a sixer of Guinness for me and a bottle of red wine that’s “as cold as it can be without actually turning to ice” because that’s how she likes it.


Scrolled down for a few minutes and didn’t find any legitimate gift options. I don’t EXPECT anything, but a few things that’d be nice to me personally:

A couple t-shirts of my preferred style. Solid colors, scoop bottom, etc.

A nice watch.

Cologne is always awesome.

I’m obsessed with shoes so shoes would be dope.

Gift card to my favorite coffee shop.

Simple. If you know what someone normally spends money on, then getting a gift for them is easy.


I would like Valentine’s Day to be abolished and replaced with a second Thanksgiving


A romantic dinner and a shag from Mr. Right (Now), or to finally actually meet Mr. Right.

And, a few chocolates from my dad, since I grew up ugly, he got the tradition of buying me chocolates for that date.


Little spoon.


A kiss and maybe some flowers. You heard me. FLOWERS.


my girlfriend suggested that we

“not waste money on an overpriced meal. I’ll make dinner. Then build a pillow fort so we can f*ck in it, then eat ice cream and watch a movie in bed”


I’m in a long distance relationship, so just seeing my girlfriend would be really amazing.


I’d like us to agree that we don’t need to waste our money on more things we don’t need.


If someone could buy me a really good hotdog. That would be great.


Pie, and a nice old fashioned




I’m taking my girlfriend down to the Shedd Aquarium and then out to dinner in the city (Chicago for those wondering). It’s our first valentine’s together I just want it to go as smoothly as I’m envisioning it haha


I gave her a blanket fort building kit which we immediately put to use.


I would just like a compliment from a girl. I mean, I’m not that ugly, right guys? Guys?


Tools. I need a new torque wrench.


I just want to be acknowledged. I feel like the world has been ignoring me and I have been getting so depressed lately. My family has basically forgotten me for some choices I made long ago and my love life is nonexistent.

Wow, I didn’t know so many people cared! Thanks so much for whoever gave me this neat gold star!! I don’t want to get into a lot of details because I’m still tired but basically I ran away with my then boyfriend and he cheated on me. Now I’m stuck in a small apartment away from everybody. So I hope everybody has a fantastic day!


This is hardly the thread for it, but I think I might text a girl I was talking to before the new year. I was getting out of a relationship, and it seemed like maybe she had too. We met once, exchanged numbers, texted and flirted a bit, but sort of just stopped at one point.

I’m not sure exactly why. We seemed to get along. I’m sort of thinking of randomly asking her to dinner, and getting flowers, and just having a nice date.

Would it be weird to text someone from over a month ago for a date.


A kick a*s handshake.


A nice dinner, then fat pants time.


A party. It’s multiple people in my social group’s birthdays so we throw a party every year.


Not expecting anything as I’m single. A hug from somebody would be a nice surprise though.


49 years old been married 21 years.

Food and drinks. That is it.


My girlfriend got me hockey tickets to an ahl game. Cheap. Fun. Not romantic. The perfect gift.

In exchange I’m getting her a Starbucks gift card and taking her to eat burgers then I’m going to eat her burger (I’m talking about s*x).

Also we aren’t doing this on valentines day because f*ck that noise.


I’m about to order some thigh-high socks for me and my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day. He gets really uncomfortable with extremely gay things and I am *really* excited.


My bf’s philosophy is: Valentine’s day is allllll mine, Steak and BJ day is allllll his.

Joke’s on him, though, I love steak and giving BJs.


A crisp high-five!


I might make cookies. And eat them all. F**k VD.


I would love a nice tie clip.


Silence. Just to be left alone and get some peace and quiet.


A comfortable pillow that I can cry into while I think about how lonely I am.


Someone to be like “hey, wanna be my valentine?”

That would be nice.


Cuddles. Movies. Sex.


The roles to be reversed.

Woman care about Valentines day more than men do most of the time. But if you want me to care about it as much you do, maybe you should make it as enjoyable for me as I do for you.

If my SO would tell me, hey this Valentines day I make the plans, it’s on me, that would be the best gift. And it would make me want to give her something even better on another day (where she won’t be expecting it).

Having to live up to these expectations drains all the romance the holiday is meant to have. I think it can be restored if she takes the initiative.


A date actually.


There is this girl that works at the diner a few minutes away from here. I don’t know her very well, but of all the times I’ve sat their reading and drinking coffee, I have never ever seen her get mad, upset or snarky, she is always upbeat and positive. She’s also quite cute, on valentines day I will prod to see if she has a valentine, if not, after I leave I will come back with flowers and a simple card. Hope it works.




Expect someting? AHAHAHAHahaha…
Actually just a smile from a girl or a ‘hello’ would be enough.


Champions League!


Probably a divorce :-(.


A date with the girl I have a crush on, but I doubt it’ll work out.


two tickets to A Good Day to Die Hard


Nothing. I didn’t get an anniversary present either. Heaven forbid I bring it up, though.


The first of four annual beejes from the missus. Then, we watch a little PBS and fall asleep with enough space between us for comfort.


Buy yourself some sexy lingerie and show it off to me


A job


Therapy and a blender.


Make your boyfriend a coupon s*x book. Those are AWESOME and free.


I’m probably gonna have a test in one of my classes.


I’ll probably disappoint my wife, she will act like everything is fine, I’ll ask her what’s wrong when I can see it in her eyes, she’ll get defensive, then I’ll continue to hate this holiday. Wait a couple of months, then repeat the process with my mother on Mother’s day.


I don’t expect anything, but that doesn’t mean I’d appreciate a gesture.


For people to stop acknowledging that stupid holiday.


A sandwich.

I’m not trying to be sexist, I just find women making food attractive. And yet, no one of girlfriends have ever made me one. Is it really that much to ask for?


More gains because I’ve got a date with the gym. Love is a four letter word, but so is curl.


A stupidly high restaurant bill and blue balls.

EDIT: we’ve been dating for over three years. I c*m when she looks at my crotch now.

But one of my employees gave me a Johnny Five sticker cause I’m “old enough to know what this is.”

So I got that going for me, which is nice.


Slightly more enthusiastic s*x.


A girl who would reply to my f**king messages. F**king online dating 🙁


Self loathing.


Basically nothing. It’s a holiday dedicated to catering to women. The only thing about it I like other than the sex is getting to go out to see a movie. But I always end up paying and the chance of it being sappy c**p I don’t wanna see is higher than any other time of year.