50 Hilariously Honest Amazon Reviews

If there’s something in this world that we still have the power to control, it must be reviews. These short sentences of practical wisdom shared with fellow customers, shoppers, or diners can totally make it or break it for brands, services, and products.

Think of the last time you went on Amazon to get your mom a fancy aroma diffuser. If you are a stranger in the land of aroma diffusers, and most of us are, you totally rely on that one or two scribbles of feedback left by someone who probably doesn’t remember ever writing it.

And while some reviews are indeed helpful and others plain odd, others are splendidly hilarious. Like, verging on the border of being their own kind of comedic gold.

But thanks to the subreddit r/amazonreviews, which has been collecting the “the funniest damned product reviews on Amazon” since 2012, we’ve got quite an archive to feast on. From weirdly specific to plain specific, from painfully funny to mildly funny, there’s everything for every single taste in the reviews department. Psst! Part 1 of the same 5-star hilarity waits here.

#1 Hilarious!

#2 A Cute Amazon Review I Revisit Just For A Smile. An 88 Year Old Woman And Her 92 Year Old Husband Attend A Halloween Party. Btw They Liked The Bee Costume

#3 Turning A Bad Situation Into A Good Review?

To find out more about the community dedicated entirely to the funniest, most genuine, and utterly absurd Amazon reviews, We reached out to the moderator u/Pzreich of the subreddit r/AmazonReviews.

Even though the subreddit was created 8 years ago, it didn’t really get a lot of people coming until 2015. Today, the community gets about 90 to 150 posts a month, but the daily amount of submissions varies quite a bit, the mod explained.

When asked about what u/Pzreich defines as a good Amazon review, he said that it’s one which “shares the delightful oddities people possess and share. I personally prefer those where you can really see the person’s thoughts and personality and stories shine through.” This review would be an example of it.

#4 Just Saw This Today On A Teeth Whitening System

#5 Candles Are For Men Too!

#6 Ok, I’m Sold!

Meanwhile, a bad review is “generally anything repetitive,” the moderator explained and added that “we’ve had to close quite a few posts that were Amazon users answering questions in a way that didn’t make sense. Turns out, “it was found that they received these in their email and it wasn’t them intentionally answering the question.”

“This can still lead to funny occurrences, but generally it’s not the most interesting to look at, no shame at all to our wonderful members who share them,” said u/Pzreich and gave this review as an example.

On the other hand, a fan-favorite funny review is usually one that “doesn’t have to be super long, but it usually falls into the same standards as the good ones,” u/Pzreich said. According to him, simplicity and comedic appeal combined make a perfect Amazon review that entertains people. And this particular one may have it all, according to the moderator.

“I enjoy moderating this subreddit because Amazon reviews are really the gift that keeps on giving since it really is a great medium for capturing a neat essence of human nature,” u/Pzreich concluded.

#7 Found Last Night When Shopping For A LED Collar For Dog

#8 Definitely Works Well

#9 50 Lb Pound Of Play Sand Is Heavy And Makes For Great Revenge!

#10 That Cuts Deep

#11 This Review For A Mattress Protector

#12 At Least It’s Keto Friendly…

#13 Man Has Existential Crisis Over Gaffers Tape

#14 55 Gallons Of Lubricant

#15 Graphing Calculator

#16 On A Review For Down Pillows… Thanks For The Clarification

#17 I Was Searching For Transparent Sewing Thread

#18 Can You Replace The Spray

#19 No King Lives Forever

#20 This Made Me Very Happy

#21 It’s A Trap!

#22 Not Entirely Sure This Is For Real

#23 A Shining Dog Probiotic Review

#24 Rip Bob, The Little Roomba That Couldn’t

#25 Worked As Advertised

#26 “World’s Worst Mom”

#27 “It’s Lube, Not Much More To Say”

#28 As Soon As I Started Looking For Googly Eyes, I Knew The Reviews Would End Up Here

#29 I Love When Reviewers Post Photos

#30 Review For A Sprinkler

#31 Found This Gem While Buying Ant Poison

#32 Dammit Chapman

#33 A Review For Spoons

#34 Humbling But In A Life Changing Way

#35 Herb Garden Is Seriously Nice Stuff

#36 A Rock Solid Buttocks

#37 “I Should Have Picked A Different Color”

#38 You Should

#39 I Hope Bernard Gets His Act Together

#40 Much More Comfortable With My Purchase Now

#41 So Like, Where Are The Wolves?

#42 He Ordered A Terabyte Ssd… And Got Wood

#43 In The Reviews For A Weighted Blanket

#44 A Fair Question

#45 Woman Hides Laptop In Oven, Rates 5 Stars For Surving The Heat!

#46 Perhaps Rethink Shipping?

#47 Cannot Stop Laughing

#48 This Gave Me A Good Laugh

#49 Hehe

#50 Ordered Hair Clips And Found This

#51 This Is One Unsatisfied Customer!

#52 Short And Sweet. I Ordered It

#53 Be Gone, She Devil!

#54 Anchors Away Matey!

#55 Moderation Is Key

#56 A Self Tanner That Gets The Job Done

#57 I Spit Out My Tea While Shopping For Women’s Underwear

#58 Looking Into Buying A Bidet

#59 Review On Fake Teeth

#60 World’s Best Sponges

#61 A Review Of Shorts

#62 “Thumb” Up!

#63 On A Sweet And Spicy Mustard

#64 The Earplugs Work

#65 I Mean… They’re Not Wrong

#66 Was Just Looking For The Perfect Wednesday Addams Dress And Came Across This Gem

#67 I Had Such A Crappy Week That I’m Trying To See The Bright Side Of It

#68 Review For Fiber Pills

#69 Finally Found One In The Wild

#70 A Review For Natural Deodorant

#71 Poor Guy

#72 That’s Wassup Amanda

#73 Time To Get A Divorce Caw Caw

#74 642 People Think This Is How Tvs Are Measured

#75 Phone Charger From Hell

#76 Right Round

#77 I Just Wanted To Know If Meow Mix Was Good For My Cat

#78 Skincare Product: Asking The Right Questions

#79 This Review Made Me Crack Up The Entire Day

#80 This Isn’t The T-Shirt I Ordered

#81 Daily Activities…

#82 I Laughed When I Saw This

#83 Senior Woman Asthma Wall Decal

#84 It Be Like That

#85 Yup He’s A Prick

#86 Which Is It?

#87 The Snark Is Strong With This One!

#88 Pre-Owned Wii Reviews

#89 One Is Just Upside Down