‘Twas the year 1999, and the world was on tenterhooks. We were in the grip of Y2K doomsday prediction paranoia. Many of us had been led to believe that all hell would break loose when the clock struck 12 on New Year’s Eve, and we moved over into a new millennium. Banks would freeze, traffic lights would go crazy. Heck, a few “experts” even said planes would fall from the sky. It’s no surprise then that some people thought we wouldn’t make it to see the light of day.
To say those predictions aged like milk is the understatement of the millennium. People held their breath as they counted down the last few seconds of the year. Then breathed a collective sigh of relief when life went on exactly as it was before. Y2K was just one of many times people got it wrong. But sometimes, predictions do come true.
Aged Like Wineis an online community where people share “things that have stood the test of time.” It has over 217,000 members. As the name suggests, it’s filled with posts “of wine quality” that “aged well”. We has picked our favorites from the page. From politics, to technology and everything in between, it seems some people could have bet their bottom dollar when they made a prediction out of the blue. Don’t miss the interesting interviews we had with Nina Ashby and Kim Alexis, two psychics who are both experts in their field.
#1 Pink Knew
Nina Ashby has done many things in her life, all of which have led her to where she is today. She tells We she never set out to become a professional psychic, but her interests, passions, and talents led her in that direction, and she has not looked back.
“I was born with the psychic ability to see auras and spent many years finding out about what I was seeing, why I saw it, and how it connected to other spiritual gifts,” Ashby says. Because of her interest in color, she studied to become a professional sculptor. After an 11-year career in the arts, she pivoted.
“I studied to become a massage therapist and energy healer as a result of my obsession with learning about energy, holistic health, and esoteric studies in divination: astrology, palmistry, graphology, numerology, card reading (Tarot and Oracle Cards) as well as Channeling, Past Life and Akashic Record reading, amongst other things,” said Ashby. “This has been a lifelong process of self-development and learning as well as teaching, writing, broadcasting, and personal consultations.
The U.K.-based psychic has clients all over the world. “I have been working as a professional full-time holistic healer and psychic since 1980. My late husband and I taught esoteric studies, psychic and personal development, and did personal healing consultations for 32 years together,” she told us.
“I then continued the work and added hypnotherapy to my skill set, using my psychic ability to deal with the unconscious mind in new ways. I now mostly see clients for psychic work at different energetic frequencies: from mundane to the spiritual.”
#2 President Roosevelt In 1938
Another psychic, Kim Alexis, says she always had an interest in the esoteric as a teenager. “I would play around with astrology and tarot cards and, in my twenties, read books about Buddhist monks.”
A hitch-hiking travel trip with a friend across Europe and North Africa in her twenties fueled her passion for all things spiritual. “I encountered coffee cup readers, who read the dried grains of your drunken coffee, tarot readers, palm readers, meditators, and where I had many experiences with spirits who had passed over (deceased) and much more,” she reveals.
“In Morrocco, I sold crystals, which, by the way, is all presented in my book,The Adventurous Spirit – Walking Between Two Worlds. In later years, I attended spiritualist churches to watch and learn about spiritual mediums and trained as a crystal healer, hypnotherapist, and past life regressionist.”
Today, the expert runs retreats and teaches others to be psychics and mediums. “A psychic is someone who can read the energy field (aura) of a person to receive information beyond normal human senses,” she explains.
“[They’re] able to tap into their energeticfield to provide insights into their past, present, and future, often with the use of tools like tarot cards and with Clairvoyance -seeing -receiving visions or images, and Clairsentience -feeling- sensing emotions and events.”
#3 I Was Told That This Belongs Here Instead Of R/Agedlikemilk — I Am Sifting Through 15k Media Files Today And Came Across This Gem. I Wish This User Hadn’t Been Right…
Ashby’s definition of a psychic is a bit more detailed. “A professional psychic is a person who has developed their innate gifts of subtle perception to attune themselves consciously to other’s energy field and perceive information stored therein.They then act as a mirror to reveal what they ’see’/perceive about what the individual is carrying within various layers of their energy field – mundane matters such as health, career, relationships of all sorts, their relationship with themselves, how they are coping with life at every level of their Being,” she begins, adding that psychics can have specialties, based upon their personalpsychic abilities andtraining.
“Clairsentience is the ability to feel physical sensations in relation to the other, coming through the physical senses of touch to psychical reactions, taste, and smell.Empaths feel other’s emotions.Clairvoyants see colors, patterns, images, and perhaps other energy fields or aura.Clairaudients hear Spirit voices, music, and sounds in association with others. Intuitives pick up thought forms, words, concepts, and strategic ideas,” explains Ashby.”Most psychics utilize several or more to perceive information from people, animals or places in order to feed back to the other their perceptions.”
#4 Posted July 20, 2022 And Likely To Become More Relevant Every Year
#5 What A Story
“I do think there’s value in predicting future events,” Kim Alexis tells We. “They can offer perspective, help with decision-making, and provide reassurance. Having a sense of what’s ahead can ease anxiety and give people a sense of control, which can be useful for planning.”
The psychic adds that she often tells clients that nothing is written in stone. “Life can be shaped by their free will, choices, and personal responsibility,” she says. “I also believe spirits guide us with our lives, helping us with our goals and desires, and loved ones who have passed are always around us; the love from them never dies.”
#6 Aged To Maturity In Less Than 24 Hours
“As humans, we are goal-driven beings, so having something to aim for feels positive for everyone,” adds Ashby. “As long as it is framed with the proviso that the individual creates their own future by the choices they make. Through choice, they can alter their future.”
The psychic says many of her clients say that what she predicted for them came true.”This is because people are creatures of habit and therefore can be predictable!” reveals Ashby. “Also, there are energies and forces out in the world that also operate by patterns.Psychics are experts in picking up the patterns and interpreting them. So often, I say – if you proceed like this, in all likelihood, this will happen, and one can give them options, which are going on in their heads anyway! The future is NOT set in stone!”
#7 This Magazine From 28 Years Ago
#8 Well, It Happened!
#9 14 Years Ago The Show Ugly Americans Described Donald Trump
People have long been intrigued by what the future holds. They’ve sought the help of oracles, shamans, prophets, and psychics to use their special gifts and “powers” and prepare the world for what’s to come.
While we have been told countless times, and by many people, that the end of the earth is near, that day is yet to come. Some predictions, though, have come true…
Nostradamus and Baba Vanga are two of the most well-known seers in history. Revered by some, ridiculed by others, both still continue to be quoted centuries after their deaths. Depending on who you ask, both have had hits and misses.
Nostradamus was a French astrologer from the Renaissance era. Born in 1503, he is reported to have begun practicing medicine in the 1530s, “despite not only never having taken a medical degree but also apparently having been expelled from medical school.”
Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, or Baba Vanga, was a Bulgarian mystic and healer. She went blind as a child and claimed to be able to see far into the future. According to Baba Vanga, the world will end in 5079.
#10 Thank You, Chief Wiggum
#11 Apparently, He Was Right
#12 It’s Perfect
Nostradamus is credited (by some) for accurately predicting the death of King Henry II, the rise of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, the Great Fire of London, the fall of the Twin Towers (9/11 attacks), the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and even the COVID-19 pandemic.
His book “Les Propheties” holds even more future predictions, some of which may or may not come true. Keep scrolling to find out what he believed 2025 holds for the human race…
#13 Sony Playstation Getting Its Content Stolen, Then Claiming That Buyer’s Only Owned “License To Play That Game”. It Made This Old Xkcd Comic Resonate Now
#14 Trump Sneakers From A 1998 Issue Of Cracked Magazine
#15 Hitchhiker’s Guide Knew What Was Coming!
We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Nostradamus didn’t seem to think 2025 would be a good year for us. In fact, he warned of a very close call, saying a large asteroid would approach the earth with extreme proximity. He wrote that this would change our destiny and we’d be faced with massive natural disasters, including volcanic eruptions and floods.
It’ll be even worse for the British, Nostradamus warned. “When those from the lands of Europe, see England set up her throne behind. Her flanks, there will be cruel wars,” he wrote. “The kingdom will be marked by wars so cruel, foes from within and without will arise. A great pestilence from the past returns, no enemy more deadly under the skies.”
Some have interpreted this to mean that England could face a double whammy of devastating wars and the resurgence of an old or ancient plague.
#16 American Politics
#17 Hold On To Your Butts
#18 Futurama
As for Baba Vanga, who became known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans,” she’s credited with predicting the accidental death of Princess Diana and the election of America’s first black president, Barack Obama.
Baba Vanga seemed to echo some of Nostradamus’ sentiments, saying that 2025 would see a conflict in Europe that will devastate the continent’s population. The psychic believed that this year will see the beginning of the apocalypse. A series of events over the coming years will eventually result in the world ending in 5079.
#19 An Askreddit Thread From August 2019 Asking What Trump Would Tweet If He Had Lived In Different Historical Periods
#20 Published In 2013. We’re A Very Predictable People
#21 X Æ A-12
#22 In Light Of AOC Not Becoming Top Democrat In House Oversite Committee, Here’s A Simpsons Clip From 2008
#23 Trump Did In Fact Blames The Plane Crash On DEI
#24 It Never Stops
#25 Corn Was Right
#26 I Was Right!
#27 The Pipeline Stays Strong
#28 It Was A Warning
#29 Foreshadowing Is A Literary Device Wh-
#30 An Old Dilbert Comic Predicted Our Terrible Reality
#31 This Comic Is 10 Month Old
#32 Personification Of Twitter “Dressing Up” As A N*zi For Halloween In Collegehumor’s “The Internet Goes Trick-Or-Treating” From 2018
#33 “Because Of The Death Of President Jimmy Carter, The Flag May, For The First Time Ever During An Inauguration Of A Future President, Be At Half Mast,” Trump Wrote Friday On Truth Social. “Nobody Wants To See This, And No American Can Be Happy About It. Let’s See How It Plays Out. Make America Great
#34 I Fear They Might’ve Been Right
#35 And It Even Came True
#36 😐
#37 Rip Mike Gravel
#38 It’s Been A Long Time Coming. These Signs Were Everywhere, On Reddit, Facebook, And Tweeeter
#39 I Don’t Think Anything Needs To Be Said
#40 This Cybertruck Is On 🔥🔥🔥
#41 Video About Panera Not Being Clear About How Much Caffeine Is In Their Charged Lemonade
Basically, a 21 year old woman died after drinking Panera’s charged lemonade. She had a heart condition and always avoided energy drinks because of it but didn’t release how much caffeine was in Panera’s lemonade (for comparison, the small in equal to one monster). Her parents are now suing.
#42 The Honest Trailer For Inception Had This Joke
The trailer called E. Page’s character “this small boy” as a joke, and in December 2020 Elliot Page came out as a trans man.
#43 Tyson vs. Paul’s Only Correct Prediction
#44 The Odds The Shooter’s Name Is Luigi
#45 It Turns Out That Alt-Right Comic Artist Stonetoss Is Of Latin American Decent, Which Makes This Image All The More Ironic
#46 Oh Wow
#47 Family Guy Predicted 2022 Disney
#48 Ye’s Final Tweet
#49 11 Years Ago
#50 Remember Anthem In 2019?
#51 Gabe Newell Over The Years
#52 In 2021, The Official Predator Game Released A Dlc Where Dr. Disrespect Is The Predator
#53 They Did It Again!
#54 This Line From Drake’s Song Family Matters During The Rap Beef
Kendrick would go on and win multiple Grammys for his song Not Like Us. The song that was the finishing blow to the rap beef between Kendrick and Drake.
#55 Trump Wine Sure Is Aging Fast These Days
#56 Georgenotfound And Wilbur Soot (The People In This Image) Were Both Recently (Seperately) Exposed For S*xual A*sault
#57 Maybe Not So Dumb After All
#58 This Was Posted 7 Hours Before The News Broke
#59 There Is Only One Movie Blade
#60 This Comment On A Video Of Dr. Disrespect Admitting To Cheating On His Wife A Few Days Before The Tweet Came Out
#61 Rumble Tumble The Prophet
#62 I Accidentally Predicted This On My 2025 Bingo Card
#63 “Jo Koy Talks About The Joke That Nearly K**led Him”
#64 I Guess Dreams Do Come True
#65 Max And Chad Are Unintentional Prophets
#66 This Note I Wrote 2 Years